SCOOP 16           DECEMBER 14, 2021

This Year is Over...

Consumer: BtoC marketers cannibalized themselves this year. Holiday email offers started earlier than ever and it has created some interesting stats...

Consumer Email Offers:

EMAIL CLICK-THROUGH RATES: November 1st Through November 20th:

2021 UP 24% Vs. 2020

2021 UP 38% Vs. 2019

EMAIL CLICK-THROUGH RATES: November 21st Through December 12th:

2021 UP 2% Vs. 2020

2021 UP 6% Vs. 2019

What does this all mean? You got the orders you wanted but don’t expect much more. How many times can you really say you are still giving ‘Black Friday’ deals. C’mon.

Business: BtoB ‘Offer Related’ emails performance is completely done for the year. Literally fallen off a cliff.

Last 10 Days:

BtoB Offer Related Email Open Rates:

DOWN 28% vs Prior 30-Day Period

What does this all mean? You are not filling up the pipeline before year end. Ask yourself this...How many promotional emails are you responding to right now? Exactly.

Hits and Misses:

We tested a ton of new things in 2021 and some were winners and some were losers...Here are a few random ones that may be interesting. Perhaps they will provide some good test ideas and pitfalls to avoid!


‘List’ Offers: