SCOOP 10 AUGUST 31, 2021
It’s Official! These Words are Boosting ‘Open Rates’ –
Perhaps our shift to being online for everything and this strange world we have been living in for the last 2 years has caused our attention to be focused on ‘important’ things when they are called out. Not exactly sure why, but a trend that has picked up steam in the last 90 days has been the use of various terms of validation. Worth a test!
These Words When Used in The Subject Line Generate an Open Rate Increase:
Your Opinion Doesn't Matter...when it comes to your audience
The world is upside down. We all know this. There are no shortage of opinions on how best to navigate daily life. While those discussions might be interesting to some people (not me – I’d rather stare at a wall) it doesn’t really matter when it comes to marketing.
As marketers we have to focus on our audience. What are they interested in and how are they reacting to things (not how we want them to react).
August 1st - August 30th (Last 30 Days):
BtoB [offers when mentioned in Subject Line]: