SCOOP 24         APRIL 19, 2022

The ‘Cmon!’ Stat of the Week…

70% of all email traffic occurs within First 10 mins of every hour (source: Validity).

Over 80% of all email campaigns are sent out on THE HOUR (i.e. 10:00am).

So what?

Sending out on the HALF HOUR can increase Open Rates!

Email Campaigns NOT Sent Out on THE HOUR Have an Increased Open Rate:

BtoB = UP 15%

BtoC = UP 19%

This Next Stat Is Going to Change Everything!

Well, not really but this tactic is working really well…

TEASER Subject Lines Are Increasing Open Rates:



CoSchedule: "We don’t normally do this"

Digital Marketer: “Important message (about tomorrow’s big announcement)”Pellentesque habitant morbi tr


Zillow: “The truth about moving expenses”

Birchbox: “You’re Invited”