Thanks to Richard Van Der Blom for performing and publishing these findings on LinkedIn:

πŸ’₯ less reach for 99.9% of all the users

πŸ’₯ less impact for dwell time, although still important on text posts

πŸ’₯ more content of the same author in your feed

πŸ’₯ two phases where engagement can boost the growth, the first 90 minutes are crucial

πŸ’₯ hashtags between 1 and 10 show almost no difference, we advice 3 - 5

πŸ’₯ negative engagement slows the growth of your reach

πŸ’₯ after publishing a post, stick around to engage yourself in your feed

πŸ’₯ explore Creator Mode, it can help!

πŸ’₯ Newsletters, although huge potential, are down in reach and engagement

πŸ’₯ Engaging Company Pages perform 3x better than those who only publish

πŸ’₯ Use 7 slides for your Document Posts

πŸ’₯ Some formats outperform others, choose wisely

πŸ’₯ Ideal Video length between 20 and 60 seconds, square format

πŸ’₯ Impact of your Social Selling Index (S.S.I.) on reach declined further

πŸ’₯ Reposts and shares bring additional audience to the original post

πŸ’₯ Only 5.2% of all members is publishing content on LinkedIn (increase with 0.4%)

πŸ’₯ Ideal post is 400 characters less compared to 2021

β˜€οΈβ€™Authentic videos’ - just look at your iPhone and start shooting - outperform highly produced videos by 78% (Source: Jay Schwedelman)