Dear _________,
I am writing to say thank you.
Allow me to explain.
As you probably know, the insurance industry is going through a stressful period. Climate change and global economic forces are driving the price of certain products higher.
I know this can be stressful for insurance consumers, too.
No matter what happens, here is one thing you can count on. That our team will put your protection first. We’ll do everything we can to help you mitigate your risk and keep you safe.
You may notice that I’m not selling anything or asking you to buy anything. But you can be certain that if I ever do, it’s because we may have spotted a possible gap in your protection and want to bring it to your attention.
Again, I’m simply writing to say thank you. Thank you for being our client. Thank you for trusting us to navigate and guide you through the challenges of finding the right protection. And thank you for allowing us to serve you.
Of course, in the unfortunate event that something goes wrong, and you have a claim, you can count on us to be by your side.
[signed in blue sharpie]
PS: Of course, our team is here to answer any questions and take care of any issues. If, however, you need to reach out to me personally, I’m here for you.