Company Pages & the content published on company pages show
different statistics than individual content on individual Profiles
- Average first test group for a company post is 3% of the company’s
followers (!)
- 100% Complete Company Pages receive about +20% more reach
- Companies that use Campaign Manager for Paid Marketing on
LinkedIn see a +25% increase in views on organic content.
- The best reach/engagement for company pages is an average of 4
posts per week. Publishing more than 8 posts per week, or less than 1
post per week, will decrease the average reach by almost 30%(!)
- Engagement on Showcase Pages dropped dramatically since 2020,
with a decrease of -85%
- Average conversion statistics
Sponsored Company Post in Feed 0,6%
Organic Company Post in Feed 1,6%
Same Post if shared by an Individual Profile 3,6%
How to leverage the power of a Company Page on LinkedIn:
- Having employees comment on a company post instead of sharing will
have 8x more impact
- Use “Targeted Audiences” to ensure your first test group (3% of your
followers) consists of more relevant people, as your total reach stays the
same (!)
- Identify Relevant Posts (industry related, client or network related) and
start commenting as a Company on those posts. Make sure to add value in
the comments.
- 10 comments a week by a company page leads to a rise of 15% for company
Page engagements
- Companies with a varied content strategy in terms of format (blog, video,
presentation etc) realize about 20% more views in total.
- Polls (-60%) and Events (-15%) receive less views on a Company Page
compared to individual profiles. Articles (blogs) receive +20% more reach (!)
- Average first test group for a Co post is 3% of followers.
- If you follow a company page, their posts will appear in your timeline for the first week.
- Publishing more than 8 posts per week or less one will decrease average reach by almost 30%.