SCOOP 7                         MAY 11, 2021


Net New Contacts From April 1st 2020 through Jan 31st 2021:

Open Rate Average For Those Contacts:  March 1st:  22%

Open Rate Average For Those Contacts:  May 1st: 15%


Net New Contacts From April 1st 2020 through Jan 31st 2021:

Open Rate Average For Those Contacts:  March 1st:  19%

Open Rate Average For Those Contacts:  May 1st:  13%

Uh oh.  So what should we do.

Isolate this group ASAP.  They are NOT YOUR NORMAL CONTACTS/CUSTOMERS!  Your database is not a singular audience.

We had a goldfish in our house.  We forgot to feed it.  It died.  Sad Story.

You have a goldfish in your database right now – it’s your ‘PANDEMIC CONTACTS’.  If you don’t feed it with insane offers it will die off.  Send this group of contacts aggressive subject lines, super incentivized offers, and anything else possible to not lose them.  If you are lumping them in with all your other contacts, you are throwing away a massive opportunity.

(btw – this applies to all channels.  Example:  Send special direct mail offers to these contacts, run special paid social offers to these contacts, etc)


... (THREE DOTS) in the Subject Line are working great!
